Nytt album från Redemption i februari.

Redemption släpper nya fullängdaren The Art of Loss den 26 februari via Metal Blade Records. Singeln Damaged hör du här.


1. The Art of Loss (featuring Simone Mularoni and Chris Poland)
2. Slouching Towards Bethlehem (featuring Simone Mularoni and Chris Poland)
3. Damaged (featuring Marty Friedman)
4. Hope Dies Last (featuring Chris Poland)
5. That Golden Light
6. Thirty Silver (featuring Chris Poland, Marty Friedman, and Chris Broderick)
7. The Center of the Fire (featuring Chris Poland)
8. Love Reign o’er Me (The Who cover; featuring John Bush and Chris Poland)
9. At Day’s End (featuring Chris Poland and Simone Mularoni)


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