Neal Morse – nytt dubbelalbum ute i sommar.

Den minst sagt produktive Neal Morse släpper dubbelalbum med titeln
Jesus Christ: The Exorcist den 14:e juni via Frontiers Music srl. Videon
Get Behind Me Satan” feat. Ted Leonard finns nu till beskådning.

Neal Morse – Jesus Christ: The Exorcist


  1. Introduction
  2. Overture
  3. Getaway
  4. Gather The People
  5. Jesus’ Baptism
  6. Jesus’ Temptation
  7. There’s A Highway
  8. The Woman Of Seven Devils
  9. Free At Last
  10. The Madman Of The Gadarenes
  11. Love Has Called My Name
  12. Better Weather
  13. The Keys To The Kingdom
  14. Get Behind Me Satan


  1. He Must Go To The Cross
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Hearts Full Of Holes
  4. The Last Supper
  5. Gethsemane
  6. Jesus Before The Council And Peter’s Denial
  7. Judas’ Death
  8. Jesus Before Pilate And The Crucifixion
  9. Mary At The Tomb
  10. The Greatest Love Of All
  11. Love Has Called My Name (Reprise)

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