Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion – nytt album ute i augusti.

HFMC – Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion har release på nya albumet Parallel Life den 30:e augusti via GlassVille Records. Omslaget är gjord av Ed Unitsky.

HFMC – Parallel Life

  1. Parallel Life – 22:32
    (Music: Fröberg/Strandberg/Haraldsson Lyrics: Fröberg)
    I. A prophet’s escape
    II. To change
    III. You and life
    IV. Hand to the sky
    V. An otherworldly purpose
    VI. A choice moment
  2. Sleeping with the ghost – 05:27
    (Music: Fröberg Lyrics: Fröberg)
  3. Time waits – 09:56
    (Music: Strandberg Lyrics: Strandberg)
  4. All those faces – 04:46
    (Music: Fröberg Lyrics: Fröberg)
  5. Rain – 09:05
    (Music: Fröberg Lyrics: Fröberg)
  6. Friday – 05:40
    (Music: Fröberg Lyrics: Fröberg)
  7. Never alone – 08:20
    (Music: Fröberg Lyrics: Fröberg)


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